Suzie Yorke was a single mother of 4, with 2 kids about to go to University, when she used her entire life savings to start Love Good Fats. Think it's hard to be a female founder? Yup. It's even harder when you are starting your company at the age of 50, and a very proud lesbian who is looking to change the marketplace. We discuss her journey to becoming a brand that now exceeds $100million in Gross Revenues and has become one of the fastest growing companies in Canada. We will also talk with Joe Fida, Giancarlo Sessa and Aedan Fida, who started Blade right out of University. They engineered a new air filtration system and received a global patent for its' innovative design. They then tried to focus on the cannabis market. It didn't go the way they thought it would. Then a pandemic hit, and everything aligned to the point of the company going from start up to $28million in three years. Except the banks wouldn't fund them, and their age prevented many companies from taking them seriously. You will love this discussion.
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